Friday, 10 January 2014

Cat Pyjamas

I haven't gone completely insane and bought the cat pyjamas... although she would look very cute. I got myself some new pyjamas, with cats on.

I am no fashion blogger, evidenced by the fact my first (and maybe only) fashion post is about pyjamas, but these are too cute not to share.

I first spotted them in Primark, in the town where my Dad lives, when I last went to visit. They were on a manikin, but they didn't have any of the gorgeous pyjama bottoms in stock. Boo!!

Yesterday, as I was off work, I hopped on a train to meet Hubby after he finished at his work. He doesn't work too far from a Primark so I dragged in him over there. They had the amazing pyjamas, I bought them and now they are mine.

PJ bottoms - Primark // Slipper Socks - Santa (who I think got them in M&S)
The fact they have cats on isn't the only great thing about them. I also love the pyjama bottoms. Primark has started to do pyjama leggings and they are so comfortable. They have a thick, cosy elastic waistband (now I sound like a granny), which never ever cuts into your tummy. They are also perfect for tucking into slipper socks for ultimate warmth. Very important if like me you begrudge turning the heating on for more than an hour in the morning.

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